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Katy Perry Rocks Royal Wedding Manicure

lady gaga

Photo: Twitter

Katy Perry gives her nails the royal treatment.

Not even celebrities can resist royal wedding mania. Case in point: Katy Perry, who marked the momentous occasion by giving herself a Will and Kate manicure.

“In honor of the Royal Wedding, I present you … My royal NAILS! CONGRATS!” the singer—who married Brit comic Russell Brand last October—tweeted, along with a photo of her fingernails adorned with tiny images of the just-married Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

It’s clear from her quirky cuticles that the ghd spokesmodel is a big fan of Prince William and the newest member of the royal family—now, how long will it be before she’s rocking Middleton’s “off-white and bridal” wedding-day manicure.

For more Will and Kate, check out our Royal Wedding Watch.