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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Use of This Site

Please read this page carefully. Your use of this site constitutes your agreement to be bound by the following terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, so you should read this page each time you access the site.

For your convenience, changes to the terms and conditions generally will be noted in the "Changes" section for one month after a change becomes effective. Any change will be effective immediately, however, and need not be noted in the "Changes" section to be binding upon all subsequent visitors to the site.

There have been no changes to the terms and conditions governing your use of this site during the past month.

Disclaimers and Limitations of Warranties
This site is provided as a research and reference tool. Although we make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information at this site is useful, accurate, and current, we cannot guarantee that the information will be error-free. By using this site, you assume all responsibility for and risk arising from your use of and reliance upon the contents of this site.
References and links to products and services belonging to third parties are provided for your convenience and do not represent our endorsement of such products or services. Materials accessible from or added to this site by third parties, such as comments posted in chat groups, on bulletin boards or similar fora, are strictly the responsibility of the third party who added such materials or made them accessible and we neither endorse nor undertake to control, monitor, edit or assume responsibility for any such third-party material.

You may NOT submit or upload statements, data, or materials to that (i) are harassing, threatening, obscene, defamatory, racially or sexually offensive, invasive of others' privacy, or otherwise unlawful, (ii) contain viruses or other harmful computer code or data, or (iii) in our judgment have the effect of disrupting others' use of "Unlawful" as used here means, without limitation, violation of any civil or criminal laws and the unauthorized use of proprietary materials owned by others, such as text and audio-visual material protected by copyright, trademarks and logos, and commercial uses of the name or likeness of persons living or dead.

You may NOT use to advertise any product or service without our prior written consent. You agree that has the right, but not the obligation, to delete statements, data, or materials that you submit or upload to the site that violate these guidelines or any of the terms of this Agreement. does not have the ability or the intention to pre-screen or edit statements, data, and materials submitted or posted to the site by you or third parties. Accordingly, you agree that shall have no liability to you or any third party for statements, data, or materials posted to the site or for the removal of such materials if it is brought to our attention and deemed by us to be in violation of this Agreement.

We expect that this site will be available to authorized users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but we cannot guarantee such availability. We will not be liable for any delay or temporary disruption to access, no matter for how long, due either to technical problems or to circumstances beyond our control.

This site and its contents are provided "as is." We disclaim all warranties, express and implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any information contained on, accessible through or derived by you from this site and with respect to any products or services purchased by you through this site. We likewise disclaim any and all liability to you arising out of interruption or damage to your computer system or software as the result of accessing or otherwise using this site. We neither warrant nor represent that the services or information available through this site will enable you to achieve any particular result or outcome, legal, economic, education, or otherwise. We will not be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages of any kind, including lost revenues, lost profits, or loss of data arising out of your use of this site. In the event that any of the foregoing limitations and disclaimers is ineffective, you agree that our maximum liability to you shall be the total of the fees you have paid to us in connection with your access to this site and/or for products or services you have purchased from us through this site.

Copyrights and Trademarks
This site as a whole is copyrighted as a collective work, and individual works appearing on or accessible through this site are likewise subject to copyright protection. You agree to honor the copyrights in this site (including the selection, coordination and arrangement of the contents of this site) and in the works available on or through this site. In addition, trademarks and tradedress belonging to us or to third parties appear on this site or are accessible through this site. The fact that we have permitted you access to this site does not constitute authorization to reproduce such trademarks for any other purpose.
By submitting any material to us, such as by posting a comment to a chat group or a bulletin board, or by sending us an e-mail or other form of message, you are thereby granting us a non-exclusive license to reproduce, display, distribute, modify and create derivative works from such material and to use such material and the fact of your authorship of it for marketing purposes. We reserve the right to remove from the site material submitted by third parties.

Termination of Site and Site Access
We reserve the right to change the contents of this site or to discontinue it at any time, as well as the right to deny access to the site to any person whom we have reasonable grounds to believe may be using the site for an unlawful or unauthorized purpose or in a manner that may harm us.

This agreement will be governed by the laws of the United States of America and of the State of Delaware, without regard to choice of law principles.

By continuing to use this site you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.