
What Is Tacky? What Is Chic? Donatella Versace Doesn't Care

Photo: Patrick McMullan
  Donatella Versace


There's been all kinds of hubbub over critic's reviews of designer collections (need we remind you about Cathy Horyn and Oscar de la Renta's hotdog vs hamburger feud?); but don't expect a bad review to ruffle Donatella Versace's feathers.

In a recent interview with style blogger Susie Lau of Style Bubble, Versace said, "any reaction is a good thing. The people who struggle are those who have no reaction at all. They are too safe. Tacky — never mind. What is tacky? What is chic?"

In the same interview, Versace also disclosed that she's quite the avid online shopper! "I do shop online myself. Fortunately I live very well so [laughs] I think its kind of a addictive."

Donatella Versace: girl after our own hearts.