Christian Louboutin Fights Carmen Steffens Red Soles

louboutin knock-offs


Louboutin has a problem with the above pump—among others—by Carmen Steffens.

You can do anything, but lay off of his red-soled shoes.

After filing a trademark infringement lawsuit against Yves Saint Laurent for selling shoes with his trademarked red soles, Christian Louboutin is taking aim at another brand: Brazil's Carmen Steffens, which also sells heels boasting scarlet bottoms.

In response to complaints Louboutin made in January against Carmen Steffens France, the Sao Paolo–based footwear label has issued a press release asserting that it had "since its inception created a logo in red, called ‘rosette,’” and finds it “surprising that another brand is trying to reserve the rights to any color,” reports Footwear News.

“The tones are not the same, and, as catalogs dating from 1996 can prove, Carmen Steffens shoes contain soles of all colors, including red.”

"We are ready to provide unassailable evidence that we have been using colored soles, especially red, before Mr. Christian Louboutin popularized his," adds Carmen Steffens international development director Gabriel Spaniol.

Of the 250 styles carried by Carmen Steffens's French line, three have red soles. Still, the label appears to have welcomed comparisons to Christian Louboutin.

"[Carmen Steffens's shoes are] reminiscent of the spirit of Louboutin, especially as they display a red sole. But they are much more affordable (between 200 and 350 euros)," gushes French magazine ToutMa in a write-up proudly displayed on the company's Web site. The press clipping is accompanied by a side-by-side comparison of two nude heels with red soles, one from Carmen Steffens and one from Christian Louboutin.

Interestingly, the clipping was posted (complete with a headline reading "Carmen Steffens Compared with Louboutin by French Magazine") on March 7, two months after Louboutin made his allegations.

Stay tuned ...

In the meantime, Proenza Schouler thinks a Target handbag looks a little too similar to its PS1.