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Men Prefer Kim Kardashian’s Body, Natural Beauty

men prefer natural beauty
Photo: Patrick McMullan
Mixed message? Men love Kim Kardashian's curves, but hate Botox and self-tanner.

Alright, ladies. Put down the self-tanner and nobody gets hurt.

According to the Great Big Body Survey 2011 conducted by Britain's Heat Magazine, layers of makeup and an orangey glow aren't the way to a man's heart.

Of the 2,000 British men surveyed, an astounding 95 percent consider fake tans a turnoff, while 73 percent preferred girls who didn't have breast implants. Botox, too, left men cold, with 96 percent dismissing it as "unattractive."

In fact, "fake" enhancements of all types got the thumbs down from respondents, with 80 percent claiming a dislike of "trampy" fake lashes and hair extensions; 84 percent against tattoos on women; and 90 percent dissing piercings.

So ... what do these guys like? A pretty face, it seems. Looks were more important than a great body for 66 percent of respondents, while 68 percent said they go for curvy bodies with "something to hold on to."

And you might want to skip the gym today: 74 percent of men don't mind a muffin top and 69 percent weren't turned off by cellulite. Be still our heart?

To hammer that point home, slim Alexa Chung and LeAnn Rimes ranked lowest when it came to naming the best and healthiest-looking celebrity figures. Instead, curves ruled, with Kim Kardashian placing first and Adele coming in fourth.

"There's not a woman in the country who doesn’t fret about her lumpy bits—but the results of our survey of 2,000 men will change the way they think about their bodies forever," Heat editor Lucie Cave says in a press statement. "Most blokes would far rather date pretty-faced Adele than gym-obsessed Cameron Diaz and 39% of them don’t even know what the word 'cellulite' means!"

London, here we come!

In related news, check out the sisters Kardashian on the cover of Lucky.