
Olivia Wilde Covers Allure, Talks Makeup Must-Haves

olivia wilde allure cover
Photo courtesy of Allure
Call of the Wilde: Olivia's October Allure cover

How's this for irony? Though she's wearing a cashmere turtleneck on Allure's October cover, Olivia Wilde says wearing a similar sweater to her agent's office almost derailed her acting career.

“She was like, ‘A, people don’t wear turtlenecks here,'" the actress recalls. "'B, why are you not showing any skin?’ And I said, ‘I’m not going to sell my body to get a role; it’s about the acting.’ She was this very powerful, wise 60-year-old woman, but at the same time aware of how this business works. And she’s like, ‘Sex sells. Go put on a tank top.’”

And the rest, as they say, is history. Now Wilde is one of Hollywood's hottest commodities, both on and off the set. But don't believe all those rumors you've heard about the recently divorced star's dating life.

“Isn’t that hilarious," she laughs. "I mean, in order to be dating all the people they think I am, I’d need four vaginas! It’s impossible!

“I have to take it with a boulder of salt and realize that someone else will become of interest soon enough. I’d really like Charlie Sheen to get arrested. Lindsay Lohan is being far too behaved for my taste. I’m newly single, so people care, and they’re trying to figure out who I’ll date first—and the fact is, everyone they’ve guessed so far has been wrong. I assume that it will all die down.”

Calling her divorce "the most difficult thing I've ever dealt with," Wilde—who strikes an ethereal pose in a silk BCBG Max Azria dress, a wreath of flowers, and a soft wash of pastel makeup in the accompanying '70s-inspired fashion spread with Carter Smith—says she's grown from the experience, both literally and figuratively.

“I got married at a very young age, so I sort of jumped into a stage of adulthood prematurely,” she says. “I learned quite a lot ... I gained a lot of weight after my divorce, and there was this sense of, wait, hold on, you don’t look like you did before. Are you going to be up for the same roles? Do you need to be put in some sort of weird labor camp to lose all your weight? I’m just kind of appalled by that. I’m like, ‘You know what? I am not a melted heap of sadness on the ground, so I think I’m doing pretty good.’”

olivia wilde allure magazine

Photo courtesy of Allure

Bohemian rhapsody: Wilde goes soft and romantic in a petal-pink BCBG Max Aria dress.

Moving on to happier topics, Wilde divulges what's inside her makeup bag, calling herself a "moisturizer whore" and swearing by Revlon mascara (not a shocker—she's a spokeswoman for the beauty brand).

Soft skin, lush lashes, and zero turtlenecks? We think we can swing that.

For more of Olivia Wilde's interview and photo shoot, visit Allure online and pick up the October issue, on sale September 20.