
Study: Nearly Half of Women Unhappy Without Makeup

No makeup

Photo: Getty Images

Color me happy: 44 percent of women admit to experiencing negative feelings when they aren't wearing makeup.

If the thought of stepping outside without a sweep of mascara or coat of lipgloss sends you into panic mode, you're not alone.

A new study conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of The Renfrew Center Foundation has found that 44 percent of American women experience negative feelings when they are not wearing makeup, Shape reports.

Of the 1,292 women (aged 18 and up) surveyed, 16 percent admitted feeling unattractive when barefaced; 14 percent feel self-conscious; and another 14 percent feel exposed and "naked."

The study also found that more than a quarter of makeup fans started using cosmetics between the ages of 11 and 13, suggesting a longtime dependency that sees women treating blush and lipstick as a "security blanket," according to Adrienne Ressler, national training director for The Renfrew Center Foundation.

"People are detached from their bodies," Ressler tells Shape. "Most people are bombarded by so many images per day that we lose touch with the signals in our own bodies, we lose touch with our true selves."

In response, the Foundation—which works to promote healthy body images and offer support to those with eating disorders—has launched the "Barefaced & Beautiful, Without & Within Campaign," which calls on women to skip the slap through March 3. Hey, if Lady Gaga can do it ...

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