Mila Kunis Covers W Magazine

W magazine jumps from leather to feathers for its March issue, with a cover story on Mila Kunis, co-star of Oscar-bait film Black Swan.
On the cover, Kunis gazes out from a puff of inky plumes on a Chanel coat. A tutu-pink Eres bra peeks out from the coat’s sheer tulle sweep.
Throughout the photos, shot by Craig McDean, Kunis hints at her role as Lily, the free-spirited dancer opposite Natalie Portman’s tense bun-head. In several shots her hair is scraped back ballerina-style, and her eyes are sexily, lushly lined and lashed.
One thing you won’t see Kunis in is a pair of toe shoes. In the accompanying interview with editor-at-large Lynn Hirschberg, she puts her foot down: “Christian Louboutins are uncomfortable, but I screamed the first time I put on a pointe shoe.”
“She’s ‘what you see is what you get,’” Hirschberg tells FashionEtc of Kunis. “For a person who’s been acting since she was a child, she’s amazingly unjaded … She’s got this great wide-eyed thing and a tiny bit of witchy woman in her too.”
Photos: Craig McDean for W magazine
A Nina Ricci gown winks at Kunis's Black Swan role, while a Marchesa jumpsuit and Lanvin heels are a breeze to wear compared to ballet costumes.
While Kunis seems right at home in the diaphanous outfits by Nina Ricci, Marchesa and Dior, Hirschberg says she was quite nonchalant about her appearance during the photo shoot.
“I don’t think she takes her incredible beauty all that seriously. She’s not a vain girl at all,” Hirschberg says.
That attitude is borne out in Kunis’s Q&A.
“I was never raised to think that I was pretty,” she says of her parents. “They would point out personality traits—‘Our daughter is really quirky’—versus what I look like, because inevitably, looks go, so it makes no difference.”
W’s March issue hits newsstands February 25. You can also see Kunis’s “Screen Test” video on the W Web site.
Check out another ballet-inspired photo shoot with Kunis.