Getting Crafty at Gap's Be Your Own T Party

I fall on the passive side of the art lover spectrum. Meaning? I'll take in all the James Rosenquist and Jeff Koons MoMA has to throw at me, but in terms of participation, I prefer not to get my hands dirty, thanks.
So when Gap invited me to design my own T-shirt at a crafty party held at the Hotel Americano, I was catapulted to my last artsy moment: serving as a "canvas" for a classmate in my college silkscreening class who was making a "statement" about the female body by painting directly onto semi-willing volunteers' skin. (When I told someone at the party this anecdote, he said, "Didn't that happen on Girls?")
However, our hosts couldn't have made it easier, providing stencils, paint, markers and Gap's lightweight summer T-shirts for us to work with. My party companion opted for a tasteful branch design. I selected an old-school Polaroid camera outline, below which I inscribed the message "Shake it!" Please direct your gaze leftward for the full experience. Hedi and Riccardo are probably quaking in their boots at my design talent.