Cocaine Smuggled into JFK Airport Through Hair Weaves

First, Viktor & Rolf fragrance, and now this? What is airport security going to stop next?
We jest, of course, but two women were arrested at New York City's JFK Airport after two pounds of cocaine were discovered in each's hair weave, according to the Smoking Gun.
Kiana Howell and Makeeba Graham flew from Guyana to Manhattan, and soon after, their "suspiciously towering hairdos" gave way to the smuggled cocaine.
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The court affidavit noted Howell looked like "she was going to faint," and "her carotid artery was pumping." The security pat-down yielded "an unusual bulge," which the woman then revealed she had been promised $7,500 by her boyfriend to bring over.
Graham's "unusually high and bulky hair style" was also hiding over a kilo of cocaine, discovered when she was removed to a medical facility where her weave was undone.